Testimonials in English Michela - 35, Italy - Anxiety and insecurity The meetings helped me a lot to clarify all the emotions that crowded my head and to which I could not give a name and a place. I really recommend a path, it was helpful in order to get to know myself better, get back in touch with myself and defeat anxiety and insecurity. I can genuinely say that this has been life changing in terms of helping me better understand myself, my actions, and my reactions. It is nice to know that we're able to grow into something different. Sebastian - 34, Spain - Therapy for personal crisis When I contacted Somesh, I was in the midst of an existential crisis and he, through active listening, helped me to regain confidence in myself in the first place and helped me to open new perspectives through which look at myself and reality. Eloisa - 24, Spain - Eating disorder therapy I was bulimic in my teenagerhood but recently this problem came up violently again: I lost emotional control on the relationship with food. Thanks to the therapy now I have a new perspective, I found the beauty in what I am and in what I have and I am welcoming the parts of myself that for years I have refused.
Quando non si alza
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